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DCJ Emeritus Kikonyongo Eulogised During Special Event at the Judiciary
The Hon. Chief Justice at the special ceremony organised for DCJ Emeritus, Hon. Justice Mukasa-Kikonyogo

KAMPALA. The Judiciary on November 29, 2017 assembled at the High Court to pay tribute to the late Deputy Chief Justice Emeritus, Hon. Lady Justice Laetitia Eulalia Mary Namukasa Mukasa-Kikonyongo.

The late DCJ goes into the annals of the Uganda Judiciary history as the first judicial officer to lie in state at the High Court grounds.

The special event which was presided over by the Chief Justice was punctuated by heart-pouring eulogies as speaker after speaker spoke with fondness of the former Deputy Chief Justices exceptional capabilities.

In his eulogy, Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe, said Hon. Lady Justice Kikonyogo was a mother, teacher and mentor who always guided young lawyers on how to go about their profession.

I think she recognized that these robes that you put on are borrowed robes, as Shakespeare called them, today you have them, tomorrow you don't. It is what you do that you leave behind that touches people, Katureebe observed.

Several speakers from the Judiciary and legal fraternity also eulogized Hon. Lady Justice Kikonyogo as a soft but firm woman who was passionate about women and children justice.

Hon. Lady Justice Esther Kisaakye, the president of the National Association of Women Judges in Uganda applauded the deceased.

She said, "Although Hon. Lady Justice Kikonyogo is no longer with us, we recognize the work she did when she served in the Judiciary, the country and the community at large."

"Considering the time she went through the ladders to qualify to be a lawyer, it's a bold statement that was a lady with exceptional abilities and qualities."

Hon. Lady Justice Kisaakye said the fallen Deputy Chief Justice Emeritus was never afraid of leading from the front.

The Chief Registrar of the Courts, HW Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa, noted that the passing on of Hon.Lady Justice Kikonyogo is a matter that can galvanize the government to address issues that are a matter of concern to country. He highlighted the Administration of Judiciary Bill that is still pending.

Uganda Law Society Vice President, Ms Alice Namuli-Blazevic, said, ...She always drew us advocates closer, remained a voice of reason and very determined and never rushed her decision-making but once that decision was made, she had to execute it with such meticulous precision.

Hon. Lady Justice Kikonyongo has been accorded a State Funeral by Government in recognition of her long illustrious career. She was the first Grade One woman Magistrate,first lady Chief Magistrate, first woman High Court judge and the first lady Judge to be appointed to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court as well as the first lady to become Deputy Chief Justice.

Hon. Justice Kikonyogo passed on, on November 23, 2017 at Mulago hospital following a heart attack

Posted 29th, November 2017
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